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Inspire a Nation 
Business Mentoring

Mentoring Your Insurance Agency



 Billy R. Williams, Ph.D. -  CEO of the Williams Family Insurance and Investment Group and President of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Services.

  Published Author, Insurance Reality Show Star, Proud Military Veteran, Player of the Year Golfer, Former National Level Body Builder, Constant Overachiever!

"ICECREAM LESSONS - Lessons Business Leaders Usually Learn the Hard Way!

Download the ICECREAM E-Book at 

Dr. Billy R Williams is one of the world's foremost authorities on building and growing an insurance agency.

He is the founder and president of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Services, America's best insurance agent and Small Business coaching and mentoring company, and CEO of the Williams Family Insurance and Investment Group; a group of more than 150 partner agencies that produce over a billion dollars a year in new and renewal insurance premiums.

Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring works with many of the top insurance agents/agencies in North America and some of the World’s largest insurance carriers and companies. This insider access gives him and his team the ability to implement, monitor, and track which conversations, processes, and tools are working and which ones are a waste of time, money, and effort.

The Williams Family Investment Group not only has equity in 100's of stand alone independent insurance agencies, but the group also has equity in insurance industry powerhouses such as Brown & Brown Inc, Allstate Corporation, Goosehead Insurance Inc., and more.

The Williams Family Investment Group also has ownership and investments in technology and services that support the Insurance industry such as  "Data and Marketing Super Center Inbound Marketing CRM" and "The Inspire a Nation AI Chatbot Development Company." (

Dr. Williams also provides expertise and wisdom to both the Insurance Industry and non-insurance based small businesses through his YouTube ChannelPodcastsWebinarsBooks, and Live Training Events.


Billy and his Inspire a Nation team are experts at teaching insurance agents and agencies how to double or triple their current production using no-cost conversations and processes, low cost, efficient, marketing and advertising platforms, and today’s technology, Inspire a Nation employs the 4 types of discipline it takes to build a successful insurance agency(and business of any type): Self-Discipline, Accountability, Automation/Technology, and Outsourcing.

Utilizing a comprehensive video and document library which focuses on the primary areas that must operate efficiently to have a successful insurance agency: Staffing and Training, Marketing, Agency Operations, Customer Service, Customer Retention, Internet Use, and, Automation/Technology, Inspire a Nation takes the guesswork out of building a successful insurance agency.

Billy learned the vast majority of his business and marketing savvy while serving as Station Commander of Army College Recruiting. He served in the U. S Army from 1982 – 2002.

Dr. Williams has achieved many distinctions, honors, awards, and accolades throughout his business and military career, including:

  • CEO of the Williams Family Investment Group (160+ Partner Agencies that combined, produce over a billion dollars a year in new and renewable insurance premium

  • Founder and president of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

  • A national training contract with MetLife Auto and Home (He trained MetLife sales managers, career agents, and MetLife independent agency partners)

  • Published author and highly sought after speaker, mentor, and trainer

Agency Investors Insurance Reality Show

Season One: Insurance Agency Investors Reality Show

A Shark Tank like show for the Insurance Industry

5 Titans of the insurance industry Dr. Billy R. Williams, Cody Askins, Cassidy Arbeli, Edward Pritchett, Brandon Todd are here to make or break the dreams of ambitious insurance agents.

In our first episode, meet Tom Simkins, an insurance agent with a bold vision. He's pitching his funeral concierge business, seeking a $500,000 investment from our esteemed panel of investors. Will anyone bite? Find out in this high-stakes episode.

Dr. Williams' Live Presention at the 2022 8% Insurance Agent Conference "How to Make Your Insurance Agency Investment Worthy"

  • Century Club Winner as a captive agent with Allstate Insurance Co. (100 written items per month over a 12-month period with 90% or higher retention)

  • Associate Market Business Consultant with Allstate Corp. – Consulted on agent hiring, agency development, and agency growth initiatives.

  • Licensing:  Series 6, 63, 26, 51, Property and Casualty, Life and Health

  • Director of Committees, Black Chamber of Commerce of Lake County, IL

  • Vice President – Police Pension Board, Mundelein, IL

  • 1990 Military Police Soldier of the Year (16th MP Brigade (Airborne!), Fort Bragg, NC)

  • 2001 and 2002 U.S. Army "College Recruiter of the year" (2-Time Selection)

  • Nominee for Alabama Small Business of the Year, 1995 - Owner "Dream Body Fitness Centers"

  • 2022 DFW Player of the Year for the US Am Golf Tour

  • 1995 Mr. Huntsville, AL Bodybuilding Champion, 1995 State of Alabama Natural Bodybuilding Champion, 6th Place Natural Nationals Bodybuilding Championships

  • His academic background includes a B.S. in Biology, an M.S. and Ph.D. in Physical Education - Sports Management, and additional Doctoral work in Finance at the University of Chicago. 


His focus and feature presentation is on teaching insurance agencies how to add the next $10 Million in Revenue.

Click on the image below to order his latest book

“I started Inspire a Nation because I was sick and tired of all the b.s. that was being served up as "the best marketing hacks, tools, or services available." Agents and small business owners need to get back to the reality of operating their business both today and in the future.

The reality is that there are 6 Best Insurance Prospects, 14 weekly tasks and 23+ Core Processes that must happen in an agency.

If you want to be a top-level agency you must to master the 6 + 14 +23+. 

We all know that Luck = Opportunity + Preparation + Time Management + Activity;

I created Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring to help agents and agencies prepare to take advantage of as many insurance agency opportunities as possible by giving them an exact schedule to follow and step-by-step instructions on which processes, tools, task, and technology they should have working in the agency. This is the “Keep it Simple” method at it’s best!”

Billy R. Williams, PhD

Dr. Billy Williams Fix My Insurance Agency Interview on Spot On Insurance.

Fix My Insurance Agency Podcast Interview

Billy Williams is the founder and president of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Services, a company that specializes on insurance agent and small business coaching and mentoring. He and his company work with many top insurance agents and agencies as well as some of the world’s biggest companies and carriers. Billy’s extensive business leadership experience has made him a recognized expert speaker on topics such as growing a successful insurance agency, small business development, and minority business issues.

Billy joins us to share his wisdom on what separates a good leader from a great leader. He shares his time in the military, his first experience with wealth, and the day he founded his company. He describes the way he led his business when it was starting out and the technologies he’s applied since. He also discusses some of the aspects of the business that are rarely discussed such as how emotions affect the way we handle problems and solutions.

“We can’t be average. We have to be above average in all that we do.” – Billy Williams

What you’ll learn:

  • Billy’s life story, his time in the military, and how he became a successful business owner.
  • The moment he learned the difference between income and wealth.
  • What made him choose a career in insurance?
  • His first agency investments and why he chose to invest in them.
  • The challenges he faced and how he overcame them.
  • His thoughts on why insurance agencies fail.
  • What’s in the pipeline in 2019 for the insurance industry?
  • His inspiration in developing their own CRM and why he doesn’t want agencies to buy it.
  • How his children influenced him to develop the technologies his company has.

Click here or on the picture above tolisten to the podcast interview.


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Billy has authored three books that are considered by many industry experts to be a must-read for all insurance industry professionals:


Check out Billy's 90 Minute Training on How to Build a $10 Million Revenue Insurance Agency in 3 - 5 Years

Fix My Insurance Agency Podcast =

Billy provides an audio course for Faith-Based business leaders called “I.C.E.C.R.E.A.M – Business lessons faith-based business leaders tend to learn the hard way.”


Billy’s experience, wisdom, and insider access allow him to speak on over 50 business based topics including:

How to build and grow a successful insurance agency,

small business development,

minority business issues and growth,

leadership development,

funding a business venture,

mistakes most small business owners make,

free and low-cost ways of marketing a small business,

and more.

Getting the insight from someone who built almost a billion dollar partnership-based enterprise from his dining room table is invaluable in your business education and journey

If you are part of an insurance or small business organization that would like to reserve a spot on Billy’s live speaking or webinar coaching calendar, please contact his team at

His presentations are fun and light-hearted, but filled with information presented in a way that sticks in your mind, and has a life-changing impact.​

He does not charge a speakers fee to non-profit organizations, just travel, and lodging if necessary.

Listen to a recent podcast that Billy participated in: 

In addition he has authored a top selling manual on his passion, Natural Body Building   

Billy’s Personal Motto: I will build my success on top of the walls I have knocked down for others!


I was taught as a child growing up in a military family that you could not be equal, you had to be better. Though at the time I did not realize it, those words would become the foundation of how I live my life. What words are you listening to daily? What words are influencing you? What words are you using to influence your children, your friends, your community? Is it time to learn some new words?

"I will build my success on top of the walls that I have knocked down for others."

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