This is the 2017 Edition of the "How to Build a $10 Million Insurance Agency in 5 Years" Manual and Workbook.
You are ordering the E-Book version of the "How to Build a $10 Million Insurance Agency "Manual and Workbook.
This manual was designed to work in conjunction with the Inspire a Nation Insurance Agency Mentoring Membership and the Inspire a Nation Video and Document Library.
While the manual by itself will deliver tremendous value, adding the Inspire a Nation Mentoring Membership for even a couple of months will exponentially increase the process implementation timeline and revenue growth of your agency.
Written in a short, easy-to-read, "Twitter" style, this workbook will make it super easy for you to understand what and how to implement the best processes for your agency.
With over 150 pages of knowledge and wisdom, this manual and workbook discuss everything from finding the right niche, marketing, prospecting, agency automation and technology, process workflows, lead tracking formulas, to what tasks your staff should do every day in the agency.
The manual is chocked full of links to forms, audio snippets, and other resources to help clarify the tasks and processes.
Active Inspire a Nation Members: Hyperlinks will take you directly to the corresponding sections of the Video and Document Library.