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Why Don't Insurance Agents Generate and Utilize Free Leads?

Thu, April 13, 2017 11:51 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

The main reasons insurance agents don’t generate free insurance leads as often and as effectively as they could is because:

They don’t match their marketing campaigns to their natural marketing personality(ies)

They don’t have a quick and easy to implement list of free marketing campaigns and tasks;

They don’t schedule time in their weekly schedule for marketing tasks that will consistently generate leads;

They won’t track and hold agency staff accountable for tasks and conversations that will naturally generate leads;

They won’t outsource marketing tasks they refuse to schedule or do.

Join us for a 4 part webinar series that starts Friday, 4/21/2017 at 10 AM Central, where we show you more than 30+ ways to generate free leads for your insurance agency.


30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads for Insurance Agents

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Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring –  

Datalot Warm Transfer Calls – Click here for more details or call 855-466-6890

VistaPrint Promotional Items 

Cost? Free to registrants 

Webinar Workshop Agenda 

There are four web sessions that make up the "30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads for Insurance Agents web series 

Web Sesssion One: 

30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads (Part 1) (90 Minute Web Session)


Snapshot Summary: 

Between part 1 and part 2 of the webinar, we will show you more than 30+ ways to effectively and consistently drive free leads to your insurance agency using: SEO techniques, written content, email, survey calls, social networking, local news reporters, and much more. You will be blown away by the amount of techniques that will drive free leads to your business. 

Web Session Two: 

30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads (Part 2) (90 Minute Web Session) 

Snapshot Summary: See part one summary 

Web Session Three: 

Marketing Technology – Outsourcing, Text Messaging, Voice Hotlines, Mobile Apps, and More. 

Snapshot Summary: 

Outsourcing is a major part of growing a successful insurance agency in today's competitive environment. We will look at various tasks and vendors that you should consider for outsourcing. 

Web Session Four: 

Questions and Answer Session 

Snapshot Summary: 

We will answer your specific questions and eliminate the concerns that could stop you from implementing the processes and tasks discussed throughout the series. 

These sessions will change the way you market your insurance agency for the remainder of your career. Don't miss them! 

© Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

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(Why a text message? Our team is always on a call or video web meeting supporting our mentoring members. A text allows us to respond at our earliest opportunity)

Texting to our Central Message Center is considered written permission for Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Investment Group to communicate with you by text message.



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