Always start the implementation of a new process with email and technology.
As much as you’d like to believe that you and your staff will immediately change your conversations and actions because you just introduced a new process or task to the agency, it’s not going to happen that way!
It will take consistent training, role play, and accountability before a new process becomes a habit in the agency.
This is why we strongly suggest and encourage you to start with email templates that support the process as your initial process implementation step.
Email is easy to set up, easy to automate, and simple for the staff to personalize and send out.
Email will say the statements and phrases that you eventually want your staff to say.
Often, the customer will bring up the content of the email when talking to a staff or team member and this alone can force the team member to have to learn the proper responses when confronted with a question about the content.
You can easily add additional tools such as hyperlinks, web forms, and video that can add more value to your emails.
Technology such as a good contact management and marketing system (See the Data and Marketing Super Center) or an agency management system will allow you to automate many of the steps and tasks within a process that staff cannot or will not do effectively.
Please don’t over think this or make it more complicated than it needs to be, simply modify the email templates provided in the Video and Document Library by Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring that support the processes you want to implement in the business and let the sending of email be the first tasks you hold you and your team accountable for accomplishing.
Your Technology should allow you to automate many of the tasks and tasks reminders associated with the process. This will help with both the implementation of the process and the accountability of staff actions.
If your current technology doesn’t allow you to automate tasks you have the wrong technology. You don’t have to run out and immediately start technology shopping. Try using your calendar tool such as Outlook or Gmail to set reminders and assign/reassign tasks.
Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring has helped 1000s of insurance agents and small businesses to implement effective tasks and processes in their business, so trust us when we say “Start with Email!”
- 1. Choose the tasks or processes you want to implement
- 2. Develop the talk paths that you want your staff/team to say to customers and/or prospects
- 3. Create email templates that emphasize the talk paths
- 4. Send the email template at the appropriate times. This can be before you actually talk to a customer or prospect or as a follow-up or confirmation email after talking to a customer or prospect.
- 5. Check the send log of the email template as part of your accountability spot checks.
For additional insight into running a successful insurance agency or small business, check out our business mentoring programs at www.inspireanation.org
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