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Microsoft Word - Excel Email Merge: The Forgotten Marketing Tool

Mon, October 26, 2015 10:05 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

With all the fancy technology and social media tools available today it is easy to forget the basic marketing tools and processes that have been used to create many millionaire business owners.

I want to take a moment and dust off one of those processes . . . The Word, Excel Spreadsheet, Outlook, email merge.



Click here to download a screen capture document that explains (in pictures) how to perform a Word, Excel Spreadsheet, Outlook, Email Merge.

If you want to send a document to many people via email, but you want it to be personalized (such as ensuring each person is addressed individually), use Word/Excel/Outlook for an email merge. In other words, each message you send out has similar language but certain parts of the message are unique and personalized.

An example of this might be an auto insurance renewal that’s coming up for prospects, and their current insurance company is taking a rate increase. You want to send out a marketing email to each person — all 170 of them that has information such as their current vehicles, x-date, current insurance carrier, and the producer they worked with in the agency.

An example email would go something like this:

“Hi Bob. This is Billy with the BMS Insurance agency. We spoke in June about your auto insurance, but you decided to stay with the ???? insurance company. According to our records your 2015 Toyota Camry is coming up for an auto insurance renewal on Jan 15, 2016. Our records also show that your current insurance provider, ???? insurance has filed for a rate increase that could impact the rates you currently pay. Bob, I hope you will take a moment and allow me to review your coverage options and compete for your insurance before you possibly pay more money without getting a second opinion.”

As long as the personalized information underlined is provided under a column on the spreadsheet, you can merge it into the email.

Use Word, Excel, and Outlook to send out an email to each of them, addressed and personalized, just to—and for—them.

(Active members can locate more detailed training in the Automation and Technology section of the Video Library)

Click here to download a screen capture document that explains (in pictures) how to perform a Word, Excel Spreadsheet, Outlook, Email Merge.


Provided as a courtesy by

Dr. Billy R. Williams

President - Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring


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