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Internet Leads - Money Maker or Money Waster?

Tue, September 29, 2015 5:14 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

There are 4 primary types of internet leads:

  1. Purchased internet leads
  2. Online search results
  3. Self-generated internet and web based leads
  4. Aged internet leads (leads that were generated by one of the methods above but they are NOT real time)


Buying internet leads is usually a staple among businesses, especially insurance agents and mortgage brokers.

In today’s fast paced world a prospect that submits their information on line expects to get an immediate response and expects that response to contain a good approximation of the cost and benefits of the product.

Many insurance agencies treat today’s real time internet leads like they were yesterday’s call-ins from a yellow pages ad. That process is a recipe for: wasted money, disgruntled employees, and a bad attitude towards internet leads even though 70 – 80% of all auto shopper’s start with internet based research or outreach before making a buying decision.

It all starts Monday October 5th at 3 PM Eastern. (2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, and 12:00 PM Pacific) Click here to register:

Not every agency is built to handle real time internet leads!

Some would do better with web based leads; Leads that are generated from a prospect discovering or researching information as opposed to actually shopping for a product. For the purposes of this blog post we will consider a web based lead as: downloading information from a website, adding an email to a newsletter list, posting something on social networking that identifies a situation that usually requires a product or service your business can provide, etc. 

These type of web leads are not time dependent but still show an interest on the part of the prospect.

Some agencies would have better results if they focused on generating their own internet and web based leads.

With a few simple steps you can create your own internet leads. While you will not get the volume that you would if you purchased internet leads, the quality will be far superior. Why you ask? Because the lead did not find you by accident, and they willingly provided you their contact information.

They expect to receive a call from you and only you, or best case scenario, they actually call you! This is why it is so important that your phone number is prominently displayed on your website, landing pages, meta-description search results, social networking sites, and downloaded materials. Yes, you will receive calls from solicitors, but receiving real calls from interested prospects is worth the irritation.

Some agencies would be more effective if they purchased aged internet leads. These type of leads are not as time sensitive, but still were the result of an online request for a quote.

Many agents/agencies buy real time leads but work them so ineffectively that they turn the real time leads into aged leads before they ever get around to working them.

What's the main driver when it comes to effectively working real time internet leads? Technology and automation.

If your agency does not have current technology and automation to support real time internet leads, you are probably needlessly burning through your marketing budget.


Here is what Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring is doing to help you understand the who, what, when, why, where, and how of internet leads.

We are sponsoring a 5 web meeting series on “All things internet leads:

We will have leading industry experts from companies that specialize in automation and technology, generation of real time internet leads, and supply of aged internet leads share their wisdom and experience with our audience.

It all starts Monday October 5th at 3 PM Eastern. (2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, and 12:00 PM Pacific) Click here to register:


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Really? Nothing works for your agency!


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PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

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